Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Water: If the rising water doesn’t get you, the lack of it will!

I have spent the majority of my adult life, doing business in one way or another with water. I have spent the last several years considering the fast approaching dilemma we face; not only as a nation but as inhabitants on this jewel of a planet we call Earth. Of all the troubling environmental considerations before us, it’s seems the most worrisome is getting the least amount of attention. While all the politically motivated topics; oil, gas, energy, crops etc, most certainly need our immediate consideration and action, the worsening situation of available clean water should be our greatest environmental concern. To allow continued disregard he probable impacts on generations to come and life as we know it,

Regardless of our political, religious, personal views we will all be adversely affected to some degree by the lack of fresh water in the very near future. A great deal of the world already is.

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